Revealing intimate relationships between people and mangrove forests; encouraging images illustrating traditional connections with coastal communities and positive conservation efforts of people working to sustain our mangroves.
Mangrove education and manatee reintroductions in the largest Marine Protected Area in Brazil, the Costa dos Corais Environmental Protection Area.
Vatosoa has spent her career uplifting the voices of small scale fishers in Madagascar and involving these coastal communities in the national conservation efforts of the country.
Mangrove areas that had been decimated previously in El Salvador are now returning; new mangrove seedlings can be seen sprouting from the ground. Birds can be heard cackling in the canopy. Delicate animal tracks dot the muddy landscape.
Enrico Marone from Brazil spoke to us about his winning photo from the Mangrove Photography Awards 2019 photography contest titled ‘Mangrove Crab Fisherman’.